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Philadelphia Med Mal & Birth Injury Lawyer / Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy Lawyer

Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy Lawyer

Erb’s Palsy Lawyer in Philadelphia

Erb’s Palsy is a disorder that causes arm paralysis in infants and children. It is frequently attributed to difficulties arising from excessive pulling or pressure exerted during irregular or difficult labor or birth. The particular demands of an Erb’s Palsy-affected child can impose physical, mental, and financial challenges on the entire family. If your child has been diagnosed with Erb’s Palsy as a result of a birth injury, our Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy lawyer will fight to secure every dollar necessary for your baby’s care.

Our Erb’s Palsy attorney from The Villari Firm will assist you in obtaining the answers you deserve. You and your family should not be solely responsible for the expenses associated with your child’s birth injury. And your child should be compensated for the permanent effects of Erb’s Palsy.

Contact our Erb’s Palsy lawyers in Philadelphia for assistance. The consultation is free, and we can guarantee you that our law office will fight for your medical malpractice case from beginning to end. Speak to our lawyer today!

Why Do I Need an Erb’s Palsy Attorney in Philadelphia PA?

No matter the specifics or severity of your child’s Erb’s Palsy condition, we at The Villari Firm will bring our proven experience to the table in order to construct the most compelling case possible and maximize the amount of compensation that you will receive. We are devoted to ensuring that the medical personnel are held accountable and are fully invested in the long-term health of our patients.

If you decide to retain our legal services, we can

  • Meet with you to discuss the incident
  • Establish whether negligence was involved
  • Estimate an appropriate settlement amount
  • Collect evidence to support your personal injury case
  • Utilize expert witnesses and testimonies to identify instances of medical malpractice
  • Discuss a reasonable settlement with insurance companies
  • Build your case and, if required, represent you in birth injury litigation

We urge you to get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can begin working with you to develop a solid and strong case. Reach out to our Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy personal injury lawyer now!

What is Erb’s Palsy?

Erb’s Palsy is a brachial plexus injury in infants. The disease is caused by nerve injury in the baby’s upper arm. Most of the time, only one arm is injured. This injury is known as Erb’s Palsy because it is usually caused by a lesion at the Erb’s point, which is near where the baby’s neck and cranial nerves unite to form the upper section of the brachial plexus.

This injury results in a loss of movement or weakness in the arm and can lead a kid to have lifelong issues. Erb’s Palsy cannot always be avoided. However, it is sometimes caused by the medical staff being excessively hard on the baby after birth. In such situations, the injury may be the result of medical malpractice, for which you might be able to seek compensation.

Fortunately, many newborns heal entirely from these shoulder injuries between 3 to 6 months. However, if they do not, the baby’s chances are poor, and he or she may suffer irreversible harm. This can involve persistent weakening or paralysis of the affected arm, as well as muscle tightness and contractions throughout the baby’s life. If your child has Erb’s Palsy, a Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy lawyer may be able to assist you in filing a claim.

Types of Erb’s Palsy

Depending on which nerves are damaged, Erb’s Palsy can manifest in many forms. All of these Erb’s Palsy subtypes can result in weakening or paralysis. The following are Erb’s Palsy subtypes:

  • Erb-Duchenne Palsy – affects the muscles of the shoulder and elbow and may be fatal
  • Klumpkes Palsy – can result in hand and forearm paralysis
  • Radial Nerve Palsy – affects the upper arm and spreads to the wrist, impairing hand and arm movement

Causes of Erb’s Palsy in Philadelphia

The development of Erb’s Palsy is a direct consequence of a traumatic and difficult delivery. Some of the risk factors for this type of injury to your newborn are under your control, while others aren’t as easy to avoid.

  • Breech birth
  • Prolonged labor
  • Large infant size
  • Small maternal size
  • Improper use of forceps, vacuum, or other extraction tools
  • Failure to recognize shoulder dystocia potential
  • Failure to perform a cesarean section if necessary

Erb’s Palsy can have lifelong consequences on your infant’s arm mobility. Immediately call our Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy attorneys at The Villari Firm if you suspect your child was injured due to medical malpractice.

Symptoms of a Nerve Injury to the Shoulder

There are several signs that can warn you of the possibility that your child has Erb’s Palsy. The main problem arises when the infant appears to have a weakness in one arm, causing him to move it less frequently than his other arm or even not at all. The infant will likely cry a lot because he is likely in a lot of pain. You should be on the lookout for the following symptoms:

  • Limp arm that the infant may rest against his body
  • Infant can’t move arm or hand away from the shoulder
  • Inability to rotate the arm
  • Partial or total paralysis
  • Problems with upper-arm motor function
  • Loss of sensory function in the arm
  • Weak grip
  • Numbness and tingling due to nerve damage
  • Circulatory, muscular, and neurological system issues in the wounded arm
  • Muscle atrophy in the arm

It is critical that you take your infant to the doctor as soon as you see any of these symptoms. If your newborn is to have any hope for improvement, early intervention is crucial. After your child has received medical attention, speak with a Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy lawyer about filing a birth injury case.

Erb’s Palsy and Medical Negligence

Medical malpractice is the branch of law that addresses the negligence of healthcare providers that leads to patient injury. Negligence is more than an error or an unintended consequence. To establish a healthcare provider’s negligence, your Philadelphia birth injury attorney must demonstrate that the practitioner breached or violated the standard of care and caused the injury.

To protect healthcare providers from fraudulent claims, Pennsylvania law demands more evidence than in a typical personal injury lawsuit. There are four elements of negligence that needs to be established before pursuing medical malpractice claims.

  • Duty of care — The existence of a doctor-patient relationship and that the doctor had a duty not to inflict injury.
  • Breach of duty – The medical professional acted or failed to act negligently and strayed from the standard of care.
  • Cause – The breach caused the injury.
  • Damages – You and your child experienced and suffered damages as a consequence.

Erb’s Palsy Damages Claim

Depending on the individual circumstances and the severity and permanency of the injury, settlement amounts vary substantially. Some children with Erb’s palsy will require severe medical care, while in some cases, modest exercises and rehabilitation procedures are adequate to restore arm function in children.

No matter how minor, medical intervention is incredibly expensive. Restoring function to the child’s arms and hands requires nerve regeneration, which can take months or even years. The child’s capacity to self-nourish and accomplish fundamental developmental tasks will be severely hindered. This can inflict emotional and physical pressure on a child, as well as hardship for the entire family that transcends beyond financial considerations.

If your birth injury case is successful, you may be awarded damages to cover:

  • Hospital and medical expenses
  • Future medical and rehabilitation costs
  • Home care expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • The child’s reduced enjoyment of life
  • The child’s reduced future earnings
  • Loss of wages for parents
  • Wrongful death

Do not think twice, and speak right away to a Philadelphia birth injury lawyer to help you obtain the compensation claim you and your child deserves.

Call our Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy Lawyer Now!

Our Philadelphia medical malpractice attorney will consider the full scope of damages brought on by your child’s injuries to help with your Erb’s palsy claim. Your family is entitled to compensation for the physical and psychological harm this preventable condition has caused. Our Philadelphia Erb’s Palsy lawyer will put in an endless effort to make sure you receive the full amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Our practice areas cover a wide range of personal injury claims:

  • catastrophic injuries (brain injury, for example),
  • construction accidents,
  • medical malpractice,
  • birth injuries,
  • premises liability, and
  • product liability.

We also provide legal advice and assistance to surviving family members of people who have been wrongly killed.

Please get in touch with The Villari Firm right away to arrange a free initial consultation with a birth injury lawyer if your newborn has experienced brachial plexus injury anywhere in Pennsylvania!

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